Mar 24Liked by Andi Penner

"Better than dark chocolate." Now that's something else!

The big splashes of color on the screen of my life came during meditation, when I felt a great love for humanity. The writing splashes come when they come!

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Mar 21Liked by Andi Penner

When this one popped into my inbox, I looked at the title and thought 'not today', I was bogged down in first semester assignment quicksand, but this morning I jumped on in and it was the reading I needed to over come the analysis paralysis. thank you

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Mar 21Liked by Andi Penner

"...when you have nothing and everything to say all at once." Those words certainly speak to my experience. I'm an early morning writer, pen and ink in a Moleskine journal. Usually five or six pages including some squiggles and doodles. Sometimes I wake in the morning knowing exactly what I want to write and that thought motivates me out of bed. When I get to my writing desk the important thought sometimes morphs into an unexpected idea and gives me new words to work with. Joy Roulier Sawyer (author, writer, creative writing coach and workshop instructor) encourages us, "Go back and read what you just wrote." I've found this advice helpful. I often read what I wrote yesterday before I begin today's work. I watch for those little sparks (on the page and in the world) that keep me going. Yesterday the "spark" was an unexpected conversation with a stranger. Thank you, Andi, for sharing your process with us.

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Mar 21Liked by Andi Penner

I can't imagine how much joy this brought your heart! And... she's 100% right. 😁

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Mar 21Liked by Andi Penner

Lovely and lovingly expressed. I'll keep painting the wall whatever the results so long as I can continue reading "In Your Own Ink" Sincerely, The Supreme Benign Ruler

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